February 9, 2010

Week One...and Wilco

Having passed a 2,000 square foot concrete and gravel baby through our collective birth canal, Team Fixin' To would just like to rub the eye boogers from our pupils, take another shot of coffee, peer around with a slightly shocked look on our face and say...thanks for a helluva first week.

We exist. Huzzah. We'd clap ourselves on out shoulder if our backs weren't quite so sore.

For now we're just happy with the fact that we're getting a little more sleep than usual and some of us are even getting these odd little things called "nights off." In fact, the ladyfriend and I might actually be able to sneak off long enough to catch the Wilco show here tonight.

is that L-I-V-I-N or what?

If you're reading this it means you are close to Fixin' To ground zero and have probably been holding our hands, buying us drinks, watching our dogs, building our bar and/or website, or otherwise just watching this little nook we call the FT emerge from the womb from the front row. It also means that we should thank you one more time. One week down and a billion more to go (ya know, hopefully) and we wouldn't be here without ya'll. Thankyathankya.

And if you're just out there gawking...the hell you waitin' for? Get thy sweet hiney to the Fixin' To right directly. We'll be there. Always. Unless Wilco's in town, of course.

The FT

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